Saturday, 26 September 2015

Pictures Galore....Visiting Devonian Gardens

My goodness it has been a while since last posting, didn't realize it had been so long till looking at the date. Then an idea popped into my head for something to post that could be of interest, with plenty of pictures. You guess it, it's my excursion out to Devonian Gardens, just south-west of Edmonton on the Devon Highway. 

The University of Alberta Devonian Gardens is a 200+ acre property that showcases different gardens, featuring plants of Alberta, wildlife sanctuary areas, trial/test plots and indoor facilities which houses tropical plants with beautiful butterflies (my favorite); another house features arid climate displaying many kinds of cacti; I believe there is one other, but the theme eludes me at the moment. Hey, I'll never admit to "actually" forgetting, after all that would totally wreck my carelessly dropped statement of have a phenomenal memory. 

There is a huge variety of flowering gardens, which of course being more into the Fall, sort of missed all the beautiful flowers. Nonetheless there remains many other beautiful things to see.

The excursion to Devonian Gardens is pretty much on my agenda every three years sometimes two. Each time going out, my plan is for only a couple of hours, without fail it ends up being three/four hours just wandering about, which isn't hard for me to, ranks right up there with procrastination. Definitely could spend more time, if touring the wildlife sanctuaries.

The day I went it was perfect in every way, warm with a very light breeze creating a perfect setting. The autumn golds, reds and yellows was showing in the leaves showcasing an abundance of color creating a beautiful backdrop. Nature in it finest.

Regardless Spring, Summer or Fall it never disappoints with its beauty, in fact over the time I've been going out - it only gets better. Everywhere you look there is a picture screaming to be taken. There are times when just moving a few feet, will lend itself to entirely a different vantage point with the casting shadows and changing light.  As beautiful as the entire area is, Kurimoto Japanese Gardens has to be my favorite go-to-place, it's as though I'm in another part of the world.

While roaming about, marveling in my mind at the amazing landscaping, thinking all the while of the time and work that has gone into the Kurimoto garden. Easily, in my mind it's the signature area.  It is very easy to forget about the hustle and bustle of life for one becomes so immerse it its tranquil setting.

I was somewhat intrigued by this tree which has the appearance of  having been severely trimmed back, maybe. 

Out of control Bonsai?
Could this just be the way the tree grows, perhaps an out of control Bonsai, maybe not. Regardless it was definitely alive, for upon closer inspection there were green leaves on the tree itself just not on the branches as one would expect. 
Bell Tower

 Just before departing the Japanese Gardens to finish off the stroll, had to take a picture of the the Bell Tower.  Here is a little triva about Bell Tower that I found.  The top of the bell tower has a black ornament on the top. This is called a giboshi that is said to represent the top of a Buddha's head. The 1,500 pound bell symbolizes the bonds of friendship between the UofA and the university founded by Dr. Kurimoto, Nagoya Shoka Diagaku. The goal they share is to foster mutual understanding among Canadians and Japanese. Each time the bell is rung bonds of friendship are strengthened. So there you have it, a little history lesson.

Calla Water Pond
At this point headed over to the Calla Water pond, unfortunately the water level was down considerably this year, due to the dry conditions this past several months, so used a picture that I took a couple of years ago with my most favorite camera of all time. 

Then continued on the path to the Patrick Alpine Garden area which is home to the many indigenous coniferous trees/shrubs of Alberta. Walking over that way, saw what looked like a medieval tower in the distance, yes I do have a bit of an imagination, so took the turn on the path heading towards the tower with great interest.  It's a triangular shape, with arches on each side.  Decided to do a more interesting perspective from inside the structure.  What we won't do for a picture, was just hoping nobody would come along thinking I was crazy or at my age had decided to lie down for a nap!!

Following the path from there I came upon one of the little residents 
 that was busy eating  little pine cones covering the ground.  Mr/Ms squirrel for the most part was oblivious to my presence.  So it was pretty cooperative when taking it's beauty shot, unfortunately it's little paws/hands were very busy as well as it's mouth.

Native People's Garden
Continuing on the path went over to the test/trial plots where there was a variety of different plants.  There was a bumble bee busy getting the last little bit of nectar from what flowering plants were left.

carved out of wood
From that point headed towards over to the Native Peoples garden. Not sure what the statues were symbolic of, most certain there is a bit of history associated with each one.

There were so many things to see in between featured areas which is why each time I go out - there are always things 'new' to me.

Guess there was a moose wandering around out here as well, sorry I missed it. I'm sure it's a regular happening for there is an abundance of wetlands surround the gardens. It's all about being at the right place at the right time.

Further down from the Native People's Gardens there was a cute little place in the Iris Dell.  Taking advantage of the afternoon sun streaming through the trees giving me the opportunity to catch a nice flare.  Thought it rather cool. Always looking for ways to be innovative and somewhat creative. Besides it was a great reason to take a picture as if I need a reason.
Wild Flower - Blue Bell

Although it seemed like I had barely gotten there - my internal clock knew time was ticking by. Which prompted me to check the time, already three hours had passed. How had that happened?!? Then again that is what retirement is all about. Right!

What would Alberta be if it didn't have a Canada Goose sitting on any and every pond within it's provincial boundaries.  So not to disappoint, there were three of them on the Calla Water pond that must of landed since my first past by. Yes, just another photo opportunity waiting to be taken.  The reflections were kind of cool though.  As if I haven't already taken a few hundred pictures of a Canada Goose this spring/summer!  LOL Just look on my FB page. BORING!  You have to admit they are in great abundance and they really don't move that fast, just my kind of photography subject!

 To wrap up the afternoon it was time to move on to the show houses. Since I didn't have a macro lens on me it was rather questionable that I'd be able to get a close up of the butterflies. It isn't like these little creatures sit and pose, would be nice though.  Did manage though to get a couple whereby you can tell they are butterflies, unfortunately nothing outstanding. There was a lovely bird of paradise in bloom which was quite pretty.

 This sums up the trip to Devonian Gardens for 2015.  Next year, I just may return but earlier to capture the beauty of the flowers while in bloom.

Bird of  Paradise
In my wanderings out there, I met a nice young fellow, who is the Devonian Gardens photographer we had a very interesting conversation talking about what else...cameras!!  He went on to mention that the last Saturday of each month in the morning, people interested in taking pictures of the Devonian Gardens more or less have the park to themselves for a few hours.  I just may have check into that further and put it on my "to do" list for next year. This option runs from Spring to Fall.  

Take care all....